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In order for an academic business unit’s business programs to be considered for initial EAMBA accreditation, the academic business unit must follow the process summarized below:

In order for an academic business unit’s business programs to be considered for initial EAMBA accreditation, the academic business unit must:

In order for the business-related program(s) to be considered for specialized EAMBA accreditation, it must complete the following steps:

Step 1
Be an applicant for accreditation in good standing

Step 2
Have at least one set of graduate assessment results for each program to be considered for accreditation.

Submit an application for accreditation and pay the appropriate fee prior to the start of the self-study year.

Step 3
Have at least one representative attend an EAMBA accreditation institute during the 18 months preceding the start of the self-study year. This person must be directly involved in the self-study process and assessment of outcomes.   If the person who attended the Accreditation Institute is no longer employed by the institution prior to the start of the self-study year, the requirement is no longer considered met and another person must attend the Accreditation Institute.

Schedule an on-site visit.
Identify programs to be included in consideration for initial or reaffirmation of accreditation.

Fully implement the Outcomes Assessment Plan (OAP), including the collection and analysis of at least one complete set of outcomes for each business-related program to be considered for accreditation.

Submit a self-study proposal and all supporting materials at least 120 days prior to the scheduled site visit.

Participate in a technical review with your EAMBA liaison.

Prepare and submit a final version of the self-study and all supporting materials at least 60 days prior to the scheduled site visit.

Complete the site visit.

Have the application, self-study, OAP, site visit findings report, and response to the findings report reviewed by the EAMBA Board of Commissioners.

Upon receiving EAMBA specialized accreditation for the program(s), publication of accredited status will be permitted – but only in accordance with prescribed EAMBA policies.

Be a candidate for accreditation. These benefits include reduced rates for attending seminars or conferences, webinars, and resources to ensure continuous quality improvement in the delivery of corporate education.


More information

The EAMBA Accreditation Process Handbook describes the quality assurance process EAMBA uses to accredit MBA programs and provides additional details regarding the scope of EAMBA accreditation.